Aire Acondicionado Servicio CarCool i San José

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Costa RicaAire Acondicionado Servicio CarCool



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Avenida 6, San José, CR Costa Rica
kontakter telefon: +506 2258 2223
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Latitude: 9.932535, Longitude: -84.093973

kommentar 5

  • William Bruno

    William Bruno


    A great treatment from all the people who work there, highly qualified personnel and committed to the client!

  • Kenneth Lizano Jimenez

    Kenneth Lizano Jimenez


    I arrived to have the air in my car checked and they made me a repair estimate that exceeded 220 thousand colones ... What do you think???? Could it be that there are people who pay for this abuse? It was only the air conditioning that they had to check, not to repair the whole car ha ha ... And they told me that it could be more expensive when doing the repair .. ha ha .. I mean, it wasn't even the final price ... And it took 2 or 3 days to repair it ... But even doing a tune up does not last that long and is so expensive ... They are out of context in what they charge ... They want to get out of the poor by repairing a single car apparently.




    Today this company repaired the air conditioning in my Lancer and I can assure you that they know what they are doing. It was a slightly delicate flaw, however they resolved very quickly. They explain the process that they are going to carry out very well, I also appreciate their punctuality at the agreed time to deliver the vehicle. Very friendly staff.

  • Francisco Morice

    Francisco Morice


    Great shop, very knowledgeable personnel and great service. In a matter of minutes they solved the A/C problem in my car. Highly recommended.

  • Danny Williamson

    Danny Williamson


    I highly recommend this place. I have been to several shops this past year to try and get our old system working with no luck. The owner is very knowledgeable, informative and honest. My ac finally works. The whole experience there was top notch. From the moment I got there. The owner walked me thru everything they will do and test and the process to determine what needs done. Removed the parts that need replaced, showed them to me, explained what and why etc. It was obvious they intend to fix it and fix it in a professional manner. I was there on a Saturday. Which their shop closes at noon. We had a schedule to meet that day with Dr appt etc while we were in town. And he assured me we would leave today with a working ac. Noon came and gone, and they didn't close until it was complete. He even offered to drive me and my family across town in his personal vehicle to keep us on schedule. This is customer service at its finest. Other issues arose while they were under the hood and they took care of those too. No band aids here. They repair it right the first time. Oh and I need to mention an itemized invoice. Haven't seen that yet here in Costa Rica. Clear pricing on each repair and part. He has gained my trust and has earned my business for as long as we are here in Costa Rica.

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